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About the Staff College Draghounds

We pride ourselves on being very friendly and welcoming. Everyone is invited to join us, no matter what their age or level of draghunting experience. We particularly welcome children and parents, and those who have never draghunted before - come and join in the fun!
We also have a large number of non-riding members of the draghunt - our 'foot-followers' - who come along to watch, support, (laugh?) and enjoy the spectacle of the day. Everyone is welcome!

We have a full diary year round. This includes the dates of all our draghunting days and also our social events to which everyone is invited.

The most important event is the Farmers’ Dinner held at the end of the Season. The Draghound's first Farmers’ Dinner was held in 1924. This is our opportunity to thank our farmers and landowners for allowing us to cross their land. Without their support, there would be no draghunting.
And, of course, every draghunt must have a Draghunt Ball. This is a splendid occasion for draghound friends from far and wide to party.
A vibrant Hound Supporters’ Club is vital to the fundraising and social life of the Draghounds. Riders and non-riders, family and friends are welcome to join. The HSC organises hugely popular fun rides which are open to the general riding community. Clay pigeon shoots, quizzes, race evenings and informal pub socials add to the fun.

snaffles staff college draghounds

"Hold Them Back Rammer!"

Painting of the Staff College Drag Hunt by Snaffles


All enquiries to Major Sophie Gregory & Luke Shirley-Mansell, Hon. Secretaries:

Staff College Draghounds Ltd (Reg Co 12189519) is a Not For Profits Limited Company 
Staff College Draghounds © 2024 | All Rights Reserved

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